A whole series of options are made available to our students, allowing them to improve their English rapidly, in an easy and fun way.
In-class courses can be either one to one or in mini groups, and can also be held at the students‘  home or office.
Our low-cost English Interactive is a very interesting option which lets students learn social English with grammar revision in fun groups; students can book their weekly session on various days and times.
For those who wish to add or substitute in-Class lessons with blended learning, the options are vast:

  • Distance learning with the support of a dedicated teacher who reviews and manually corrects the students’ work
  • Telephone training with the option of being contacted on a landline or a mobile line
  • One to one virtual classroom training on topics chosen by the student
  • Virtual classroom training in micro groups
  • General English E-learning programmes
  • Business English E-learning programmes
  • Technical English E-learning programmes

Woman's Eye and World Globes